
Jorge Morocho 

Installation view of the exhibition “Montevideo” at Ginsberg + Tzu Madrid

1* Something special about breakfast, 2023
2* Prólogo, 2023
3* Blavatsky, 2023
4* For the snakes and the people they bite, 2023
Mixed media on canvas  e/a
80 x 60 cm e/a

Installation view of the exhibition “Montevideo” at Ginsberg + Tzu Madrid

Installation view of the exhibition “Montevideo” at Ginsberg + Tzu Madrid

There was all about cinnamon (mesa de brujo Jama-Coaque sobre IKEA Genëson), 2023
Mixed media on canvas
135 x 110 cm

Installation view of the exhibition “Montevideo” at Ginsberg + Tzu Madrid

Montevideo, 2023
Mixed media on canvas
250 x 375 cm

El placer de sentirse uruguayo, 2023
Mixed media on canvas
189 x 278 cm

Installation view of the exhibition “Montevideo” at Ginsberg + Tzu Madrid

Fuseli was also Swiss, 2023
Mixed media on canvas
194 x 150 cm